Spooky season is here! Will you get more tricks or treats? The astrology of October 2024 will help you transition into the next chapter of your life. You might feel the pull of fate and destiny during the new moon annular solar eclipse in Libra on October 2. Don’t be afraid to take a step back in mid-October to evaluate where you are in life and where you want to be. Prioritize your most important goals and ambitions for the rest of the month.

How will the stars align for your zodiac this month? Keep reading to see what our October 2024 horoscopes have in store for single moms! 

Aries Rising/Sun

Who will scoop you up, Aries? New possibilities for relationships and commitments will emerge at the start of October. You might manifest your dream job through a job offer or partnership. Love is definitely in the air, and you may find yourself off the market as a potential partner enters your life. As the month progresses, you'll feel a strong urge to take your financial goals more seriously. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids the do’s and don’ts of money management and help them build a foundation of financial literacy early on.

Taurus Rising/Sun

Life is a balancing act, Taurus, and no one knows this better than you! As a career driven single mom, it can often feel like you're constantly juggling responsibilities. Thankfully, October could bring some much needed balance to your daily routine. You may finally feel like you’ve gotten into the swing of things with your job, your kid’s school, and everything else. However, by mid-month, keep a close eye on your spending and budget. To avoid unexpected expenses, stay on top of your finances to reduce stress and help you prepare for what’s ahead.

Gemini Rising/Sun

What could you and your kids do together, Gemini? There may be a few fun pastimes you can share with your family this month. You might be inspired to try something spooky, like carving pumpkins or going on a hayride. Keep an open mind, especially if your kiddos suggest something outside your usual comfort zone. By the end of October, you may notice more consistency between work and home life. A new and improved support system might even emerge for you or your kids.

Cancer Rising/Sun

Personal and professional recognition is on the way, Cancer. Get ready to receive your flowers for the hard work you’ve put in behind the scenes! Your co-parent, family, and friends will praise you as the incredible parent, caregiver, and nurturer you are. A personal achievement may also be highlighted throughout the month. Your home, stability, and family dynamics will give you a major sense of pride and accomplishment. Later in the month, you could be recognized for a professional accomplishment you’ve worked tirelessly on over the past six months. Take time to bask in all the positive attention.

Leo Rising/Sun

How will you handle tough conversations, Leo? You might find yourself in the hot seat this month as the cosmic energy of October highlights your interactions with family, friends, and colleagues. Everywhere you turn, someone will be in your ear. You could become aware of messy family drama or face transitions at work that may affect the company culture. These conversations may come to a head toward the end of the month, so tread carefully. They could significantly impact your family dynamics and home life with your kids.

Virgo Rising/Sun

This is the month to get your financial situation in order, Virgo. Balling on a budget ain’t easy, especially as a single mom. Luckily, the astrological energy of October could inspire you to try something new to achieve financial stability and security. A new money-making opportunity might come your way, and it's worth taking advantage of. Discussing financial lifestyle changes and goals with your kids could make your aspirations feel more attainable. By the end of the month, you may experience a significant financial transformation!

Libra Rising/Sun

New month, new you, Libra. This month, put yourself first. October's cosmic energy will encourage you to focus on yourself, especially since you’re always prioritizing your kids and others. Treat yourself to a little luxury, whether it's splurging on a designer piece or indulging in a spa day. Taking time to prioritize yourself could shift your day-to-day perspective. By the end of the month, you might feel more self-confident, especially when evaluating big decisions about your commitments and relationships.

Scorpio Rising/Sun

Bring yourself back into balance, Scorpio. Single motherhood is tough, but you don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. The cosmic energy of October will inspire you to find your inner zen. Take some time for yourself to decompress from life's demands. Be intentional about discovering what truly brings you peace. By the end of the month, it might help to switch up your routine to support healthier habits. These changes will balance your mental health and give you capacity to handle the months ahead.

Sagittarius Rising/Sun

Who can help you out, Sagittarius? Let your community support you and the kids this October. You have amazing friends and family who might show up in unexpected ways, like offering to pick up the kids after school to give you a much-needed break. You may feel compelled to return the favor, but remember, your village is here to help with no strings attached. By the end of the month, you’ll feel immense gratitude for the friends and communities that have consistently supported you and your kids.

Capricorn Rising/Sun

Success is written in the stars, Capricorn, and everyone around you can feel it. Manifestation is the name of the game this October, you’ll achieve personal goals, professional milestones, and more. Your strength, social skills, and grace will help you overcome any obstacles ahead. You’re the single mom whose kids look up to you in awe of all you do and have accomplished. They’re lucky to have you as a role model, both as a person and a career woman.

Aquarius Rising/Sun

Time to plan your next vacation, Aquarius. You and the kiddos might feel overdue for a holiday. Luckily, the cosmic energy of October could inspire new destinations, experiences, and more. As you weigh your options, there could be a few exciting travel opportunities that work for your family. True to your inner mediator, you could hold a family vote on where to go next. Don’t hesitate to book the trip, by the end of the month, you and the kids will be more than ready for a change of scenery.

Pisces Rising/Sun

You have the ability to thrive in single motherhood, Pisces! But there are moments when you doubt yourself, whether it’s feeling confident in your decisions or guiding your family through tough times. Thankfully, the cosmic energy of October will inspire you to trust in yourself. You have the knowledge, emotional intelligence, and talents to lead your family. Don’t hesitate to believe it! The sooner you step into that belief, so will the people around you, especially your kids! Now’s the time to shift your mindset from surviving to thriving.